All Saints Cathedral School Graduates represent All Saints Cathedral School.

Graduates . . .  
Academic & Career Domain

  • Are academically mature and have a genuine desire to produce work of the highest quality

  • Take pride and ownership in school accomplishments and are beginning to enjoy intellectual and aesthetic pursuits

  • Use technology resources to support individual and collaborative work for learning, problem solving and communication

  • Are coming to recognize through work experience the value of current and future education

  • Are empowered to achieve at the next academic level

  • Are developing workplace skills such as problem solving, adaptability and accountability

Moral & Ethical Domain

  • Demonstrate responsible social and personal behavior, respecting and appreciating diverse cultures and people

  • Have developed personal structure and discipline, and have defined boundaries for acceptable behavior

  • Understand the need for individual and community responsibility for stewardship of the Earth’s resources

  • Have developed moral cognizance which enables sound reasoning and judgment culminating in rational decision making

  • Acknowledge that human life is fundamentally spiritual

  • Are beginning to take more responsibility for exploring and validating their own faiths

  • Value their own religious traditions while respecting those of others.

  • Are exploring career and lifestyle choices within a framework of faith and values

  • Understand and reflect on social needs and issues through volunteerism and community service

Personal & Intellectual Domain

  • Are developing mastery of logic and critical thinking

  • Understand the benefit of a habit of reflection on experience which informs future actions

  • Are able to apply knowledge and skills to new situations

  • Appreciate the satisfaction of giving of oneself through service for and with others

  • Are beginning to understand the complexity of many social issues and the need for critical reading of diverse sources of information about them