Jean Mylner Wolz - Endowed Scholarship Fund
In Tribute to Mrs. Jean Mylner Wolz For Serving All Saints Cathedral School 1968-1979
Mrs. Jean Mylner Wolz was an integral part of the All Saints Cathedral School’s legacy from 1968-1979.
Mrs. Wolz served as the administrative secretary to both Principals Christine Hogin and Louise Brady.
She was beloved by administration, faculty, and students alike, handling everything from the school
budget to boys’ haircuts so they could participate in commencement. In memory of Mrs. Wolz’s
numerous contributions to All Saints Cathedral School, the Jean Mylner Wolz Endowed Scholarship
Fund has been launched.
The endowment is a restricted fund, with the sole purpose of awarding need-based scholarships to
students so they may obtain a diverse and faith-based education with high standards of excellence.
Please make your gift today. Contributions will be held in trust until the corpus is reached. All donations
are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
Make checks payable to All Saints Cathedral School, P.O. Box 308, St. Thomas, V.I. 00804 or donate
online by credit card using the PayPal link below. The “Jean Mylner Wolz Endowed Scholarship Fund”
should be indicated on the memo line.